Monday, April 9, 2012

Two quilts for two cousins

My sister and I were both due with babies within a month of each other in the summer of 2007.  I decided to make two quilts with the same pattern, but different fabrics.  We chose a very simple design (from Alex Anderson called Buzzing Bumble Bees), but I really like how it looks and how different it can be when you change the fabrics.  The quilts hardly look like the same design.  Avi's was made to fit his sky-themed room and my sister wanted hers to be bright! My nephew Colin became very attached to his quilt, more so than either of my boys ever have been.  It became his lovey, and went with him everywhere, including all the way to Peru.  I've had to re-do sticking on Colin's several times because he has loved on it so hard.  What's an aunt for?  (Avi on the other hand chose a store-bought stuffed animal to become his lovey.  No problem.  Glad they both had something.)
Colin's cheerful quilt
the satin back with his name hand embroidered name on flannel sunshine

Avi's sky shades quilt... Call me superstitious, but I've never want to embroider their names on the quilt until after they're born, which means that then I end up not finishing them until they are about a year old.  
Avi's, the reverse of Colin's has a flannel back with satin clouds and stars and moon for a sensory corner.  

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